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Don’t Make These 5 Deadly Mistakes When Living Off the Grid
conservationDon’t Make These 5 Deadly Mistakes When Living Off the Grid

A Colorado family tragically died trying to live off the grid in the high elevation of the Rocky mountains. Here’s what they did wrong, and we offer some alternatives if you’re interested in the off-grid lifestyle.

BYNicole Qualtieri|Jul 28, 2023
Top Colleges for Wildlife Biology
conservationTop Colleges for Wildlife Biology

Anyone who chooses to uplift our natural resources immediately gets a thumbs up from me. If not for these dedicated men and women, our wild animals and wild places wouldn’t nearly be as well off as they are. It’s because of these efforts, and more, that whitetails are so abundant today.

BYJosh Honeycutt|Jun 10, 2023
Kansas One Shot Turkey Hunt
conservationKansas One Shot Turkey Hunt

Mike Hayden founded a turkey hunt designed to bring community, business and industry leaders together in friendly-but-serious surroundings. When he was elected Governor of Kansas in 1987, one of the accomplishments of his first year in office was the founding of an event that lasted the larger part of four decades.

BYKevin Tate|May 8, 2023
Are Keyboard Cowboys Ruining Hunting?
conservationAre Keyboard Cowboys Ruining Hunting?

In today’s world, social media has given everyone a platform to express their opinions and share their views. While this can be good, it can also create a toxic environment where negativity runs rampant. This is especially evident in deer hunting.

BYEric Clark, Okayest Hunter|Apr 28, 2023
Hunting’s PR Problem
conservationHunting’s PR Problem

Most hunters I know are men and were taught to hunt by their father, who was taught by his father. Often, it’s a patrilineal tradition passed down from one generation to the next. My great-grandfather hunted, although, by the time I came of age, he was too old. My grandfather did as well, although he died long before my birth.

BYTy Daniel|Mar 30, 2023
Wild Turkey Habitat, Hunting & Population Trends
conservationWild Turkey Habitat, Hunting & Population Trends

A lot is going on in the wide world of wild turkeys. Trends are becoming entrenched in different facets of turkey life, including habitat, hunting, and especially populations. Here are 10 such trends that every hunter should be aware of for the foreseeable future.

BYJosh Honeycutt|Mar 21, 2023
Hunting from a Turkey Blind Tips
conservationHunting from a Turkey Blind Tips

Not all hunters choose to sit up against an oak tree. In this article, I’ll cover all the factors of hunting turkeys from a ground blind, including benefits, mistakes, and tips to keep in mind. Here are my best hunting from a turkey blind tips.

BYJosh Honeycutt|Feb 9, 2023
10 Weird Things Deer Do
conservation10 Weird Things Deer Do

Whitetails are majestic animals. They’re America’s favorite big game species. They’re one of the most researched animals in North America but are still shrouded in mystery. Despite that, we still know many things about these beloved creatures, and they do some weird and interesting stuff.

BYJosh Honeycutt|Jan 23, 2023
Conserving Burbot in Idaho
conservationConserving Burbot in Idaho

How the Kootenai Tribe and partners brought back a nearly lost species. Only 67 members of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho remained in 1974. With no land and most members living in desperate conditions, they tried to secure their survival with a Hail Mary: by declaring war on the United States.

BYNaomi Tomky|Dec 26, 2022
Bear Viewing in Homer, Alaska
conservationBear Viewing in Homer, Alaska

Brian Saunders, who owns the Anchor River Fly Shop, sat tying flies for the upcoming trout season across Cook Inlet. Saunders specializes in fly-in fishing and other curated adventures. There were no customers in his shop on the bank of the Anchor River. Dollie, his cattle-dog, dozed on the porch. Salmon season was closed due to poor returns.

BYDavid Zoby|Dec 26, 2022
Deer Hunting Tactics
conservationDeer Hunting Tactics

Every hunter seems to have their own set of rules they live by. These deer hunting tactics come from a local hunter in Southeastern Oklahoma where the free-range hunting is tough and countless lessons have been learned.

BYHook & Barrel Pro Staff|Nov 26, 2022
European Hunting Traditions
conservationEuropean Hunting Traditions

Elevated decorum in the forests of Central Europe.

BYJacob VanHouten|Sep 13, 2022
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