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Bergara Adds 7mm PRC To Wilderness Series

The 7mm PRC is now available in Bergara Wilderness Series models, including the well-received carbon barrel models, and the highly desirable B-14 Squared Crest model.
BY Hook & Barrel INSIDER Aug 23, 2023 Read Time: 2 minutes
Bergara Adds 7mm PRC To Wilderness Series

The 7mm PRC is now available in Bergara Wilderness Series models. This includes the well-received carbon barrel models, and the highly desirable B-14 Squared Crest model.

The 7mm PRC drops just in time for fall hunting season, and it adds a new sense of depth and options for the popular Wilderness Series.

Bergara's Brand Manager, Dakota Russell, expressed, “It’s super exciting to have the 7 PRC available in these models for this hunting season. In my opinion, this is going to be a staple cartridge in everyone’s gun safe for many years to come.

"While we have certainly had great results out of the belted magnums over the years, we all know that the accuracy potential of this non-belted case is endless.”

About the Bergara 7mm PRC Addition

Bergara prioritized its core customer feedback, as it identified the demand for this popular new caliber. When Hornady introduced this caliber in 2023, Bergara recognized the caliber's potential to bridge the gap between the 6.5 PRC and the .300 PRC. And really, a great way to think about this round is that it's essentially a modernized 7mm Rem Mag. It's a quick, punchy bullet with a lot of applications for big game hunters.

The 7mm PRC utilizes contemporary propellants, exhibits temperature stability and maintains high velocities with impressive accuracy. All of this works while managing recoil at a reasonable level. It also ensures a satisfactory barrel life compared to other 7mm magnums. The caliber consistently achieves velocities over 3000 fps. Finally, it employs low-drag bullets suited for 21st-century applications, eliminating the need for deep seating within the casing.

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