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Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX .308 Win Bolt-Action Rifle Review

The Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX is a unique blend of hunting & precision rifle, offering accuracy & versatility for multiple shooting activities.
BY Todd Burgreen Jun 06, 2024 Read Time: 8 minutes
Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX .308 Win Bolt-Action Rifle Review

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INSIDER Report On The Lightest CROSS Of ’Em All

When the bolt-action Sig Sauer CROSS was introduced in 2020 many were surprised because the CROSS was not tactical. The CROSS is a blend of hunting and precision rifle. With personal defense, law enforcement, and military-centric products—an integral part of Sig’s business model—the move was unexpected. 

To date, the CROSS lineup consists of four different models from the original CROSS: TRAX, Magnum, STX, and PRS. Each emphasizes different parts of the original rifle, i.e., lighter weight, more emphasis on accuracy for PRS-style shooting activities, or increased power via cartridge expansion. The CROSS TRAX will be the model used in this article to explore the CROSS series. 

sig cross trax
Sig took the best of hunting and precision rifles and developed the CROSS featuring the characteristics of a hunting rifle, with the accuracy of a precision rifle.

Sig CROSS TRAX Features

The CROSS TRAX chambered in .308 Win takes the CROSS to a minimalist extreme shaving .5-.8 pounds off the already lightweight CROSS. The TRAX weighs in at a feathery 6.1 pounds. This is done via a skeletonized 11.5-inch handguard around the 16-inch barrel, foldable Leg Bone minimalist stock, RATTLER pistol grip, and low-profile bolt knob. The heart of the TRAX is still the CROSS receiver.

The monolithic CROSS’s action is incredibly rigid—but also svelte thanks to being one-piece. This eliminates the need for bedding and action screws—think AR without upper and lower distinctions. The CROSS receiver interacts directly with the trigger, bolt, AICS magazine, and barrel mounting. This is a change from typical bolt action methods that serve to minimize many of the accuracy-robbing causes associated with typical bolt actions while also contributing to ruggedness afield. 

sig cross trax

The CROSS bolt is a stout 3-lug design. Scopes can be mounted low due to the minimal 60-degree bolt lift. The short throw combined with smooth operation makes for one slick bolt action. The locking lugs being the same diameter as the bolt body translates into no raceway being needed as compared to Mauser-style lugs that protrude outside the bolt’s diameter. This adds to the CROSS’s rigidity since there is no need to remove material from the receiver to create a raceway. Rigidity is a must for consistent accuracy.  

Why The CROSS TRAX Is Born To Hunt…Anywhere!

The Sig CROSS TRAX is ideal for pursuing game in rugged and/or steep terrain. Its accuracy is advantageous when hunting from stands or ground blinds with shots across wide clear-cut-type openings. Plus, its ergonomics make the rifle very conducive for spot/stalk techniques. Even with the relatively short ranges involved in thick-timber hunting, pinpoint accuracy is crucial since shooting lanes can be quite narrow. The CROSS TRAX is easily carried in the hand and ready to go when the quarry is spotted.  

Sig Sauer Suppressor & Brake

A Sig Sauer SLH762-QD suppressor was chosen for this rifle review. The SLH uses Sig’s clutch-LOK QD mounting system. Sig has put as much thought into the SLH762 suppressor as the TRAX. MIT computing power was purchased to come up with a monolithic baffle design. Traditional CNC machining could not cope with the intricate metal work needed to comply with the blueprint, so 3D printing, and DMLS manufacturing methods are used. The SLH762-QD weighs 21 ounces and measures 7.5 inches. 

SLH muzzle brake
The SLH muzzle brake option was chosen for use in lieu of the flash hider version with the TRAX. While the SIG SLH suppressor was left on for most of the T&E, the muzzle brake did help deal with recoil when the suppressor was removed, especially during bench testing.

The SLH muzzle brake option was chosen for use instead of the flash hider version with the TRAX. While the SIG SLH suppressor was left on for most of my testing, the muzzle brake did help deal with recoil when the suppressor was removed, especially during bench testing. While .308 Win recoil is certainly not retina detaching, it gets your attention in a 6-pound rifle with a slim buttstock pressing into your shoulder. Yes, you carry more than shoot. Still, it's nice to be comfortable. This only improves performance. 

The intention is to hunt with a suppressor mounted on the TRAX. Most of my hunting rifles are suppressed due to the advantages offered. For example, prey cannot discern where the shot is coming from if I happen to miss (yup, it happens!). Even more practical is the suppressor’s ability to allow the engagement of multiple animals in the same group—think hogs and coyotes. Prey is not scattered into the wind as soon as normal rifle blast signatures announce your presence in the woods.

Sig Sauer Test Ammo

As for ammo, I went with Sig’s Elite Hunter 165-grain CET, Venari 150-grain SP, Elite 165-grain Accubond, and Elite Copper 150-grain HT. Sig’s 168-grain Match was also tested to establish a baseline for accuracy. No ammunition tested produced greater than 1.25-inch groups at 100 yards. The CROSS feeds from standard AICS-pattern magazines with a Magpul five-rounder arriving with the rifle. The CROSS magazine has a proprietary sled follower for optimized single-round loading through the ejection port if a user needs to load in this style. 


A Trijicon Accupoint 2.5-12x42mm optic was mated to the rifle using 30mm Talley rings. The Trijicon Accupoint offers versatility with its wide power range while minimizing bulk with a reasonable objective size. The 42mm objective gives you less weight and a lower mounting profile with outstanding glass clarity. The Trijicon Accupoint is one of the best-valued scopes on the market. 

sig cross trax
A small sampling of the accuracy exhibited by the Sig CROSS TRAX, including with the Sig SLH suppressor mounted. The target shows point of impact (POI) shift as a result of running the rifle suppressed. This is pretty typical. The important thing is to be aware and POI is consistent with suppressor off then on.

The CROSS TRAX was sighted in at Echo Valley Training Center’s (EVTC) Range #2 with a 100-yard zero. Various loads were fired from the bench to determine base accuracy levels. After the bench work, other shooting consisted of using a bipod or tripod at clay pigeons arrayed between 125 to 340 yards. The 4.33-inch clays were acquired as quickly as possible and rounds sent downrange. Other range work consisted of shooting B-27 man-targets out to 650 yards on EVTC’s Known Distance Range. Sig CROSS accuracy combined with premium ammunition and clear optics enabled center mass shots with ease. 

The CROSS TRAX exhibited outstanding handling characteristics when carrying and engaging targets from standing or kneeling positions. The CROSS TRAX has a great feel thanks to its squatty compactness. The TRAX’s pistol grip gives it superior overall carry qualities with one-handed carry being very feasible. When the CROSS TRAX is brought up to the shoulder there is no searching for a target—the scope is where it needs to be. 

Final Analysis

Sig Sauer is known for their innovative approaches to weapon design. Much of this stems from Sig’s background in responding to impromptu military solicitation, especially from SOCOM forces. In a nutshell, the Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX is the epitome of modern bolt action rifle design. I can’t wait to put it to good use on upcoming hunts. For more information, visit

hunting with sig cross trax rifle

Specifications: Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX

CALIBER: .308 Win


BARREL: 16-inch stainless steel 1:10RH twist

OA LENGTH: 35 inches

WEIGHT: 6.1 pounds (empty)

STOCK: CROSS Minimalist Folding Stock

SIGHTS: Optics Ready

FINISH: Anodized


MSRP: $1,529

Performance: Sig Sauer CROSS TRAX .308 Win

Author's Note: Bullet weight measured in grains, velocity in feet per second (fps) and accuracy in inches for best 3-shot group group from 100 yards.

rating the sig cross trax

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